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Dave de Leeuw


Dave de Leeuw is an artist from the Netherlands. He studied at the academy of fine arts in Maastricht and graduated in 2008. De Leeuw’s oeuvre contains paintings, drawings, sculptures, murals, videos, and installations. His developing multi-disciplinary work was introduced to the art public by collector Henk Pijnenburg and museum director Wim van Krimpen. His works are included in public collections: a.o. Gemeentemuseum The Hague, Gemeentemuseum Helmond, Achmea collection, FS group collection, Rotterdam and Maastricht university and private collections a.o. Hugo & Carla Brown collection London, Pieter & Marieke Sanders Haarlem, van ‘t Hof collection Bosch en Duin.

Josilda da Conceição

Open: Wednesday to Saturday from
14 -18 hrs, and by appointment.

Pieter Aertszstraat 70
1073 SR Amsterdam
The Netherlands



Josilda da Conceição does not accept submissions from artists.
Materials will not be returned.

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