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It was late, it was very late, but was it too late

Vincent Verhoef & Jerrold Saija

26 October - 30 November 2024

Josilda da Conceição is pleased to present It was late, it was very late, but was it too late. For this duo exhibition, Vincent Verhoef invited fellow artist Jerrold Saija to present a selection of sculptural works alongside some of his own recent paintings. 


What was the name of that song my grandmother used to sing? This question was posted on a reddit forum in an attempt to retrieve a memory, or a missing part of a memory. Signals from the past manage to reach us across time and space but the question remains how to respond. 


When we look at the night sky, can we still see Orion the hunter chasing the Pleiades star cluster? Perhaps we have become so fixated on gathering quantitative data with our advanced telescopes that their forms have become obscured.

Yet, we can still try to see our own reflection in the stars, to see our own reflection in Orion as a hunter. A hunter that does not conquer, that does not build and that does not govern.


When we delve into memories from decades ago, they often mutate into different versions of themselves, creating new fictions. Am I accurately recalling the type of car my parents drove in the 1980s? What about the fabric of the interior?


A new star can suddenly appear in the sky after the death of a certain person.


Revisiting an important event can unveil what was once forgotten. Sometimes stars and planets align in an astrological chart, revealing how two lives have crossed.


Maybe it is never too late to clear things up.


Josilda da Conceição

Open: Wednesday to Saturday from
14 -18 hrs, and by appointment.

Pieter Aertszstraat 70
1073 SR Amsterdam
The Netherlands



Josilda da Conceição does not accept submissions from artists.
Materials will not be returned.

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