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(De)-(trans)-form-(ing) itself

21 September - 19 October 2019

Kaspar Dejong, Christian Thomsen

Image and objects are formed, dissect, replaced, (re) used and put in another context. This trough a process stripped of meaning; (re)- builds or (re)-used to gain a new one. In (De)-(trans)-from-(ing) itself, we see 4 artists working with the potential for change of view
on what is already here, and how we can look towards the world and the information it already holds.

Kaspar Dejong (1995)
In his paintings and s
culptures confronts the viewer with a transformed version of reality. Dejong re-uses images from daily life and deconstructs these objects and images in such a way that their signals lose meaning. As a spectator, you are confronted with an image, that at first glance seems to be familiar but is not.

Cristian Thomsen (1993)
Thomsen has an enormous interest in alchemy, alchemical processes and the history of the occult. A subject that he deepened with his theoretical research. Thomsen became a regular visitor to the famous Ritman Collection in Amsterdam. At the same time, he treats the weighty subjects with a light, playful tone, with a lot of humor and self-mockery (he regularly portrays himself as the ignorant fool at the start of a long journey). In addition, Thomsen has an insatiable love for painting and a great interest in what painting means  and can mean in 2019. Thomsen uses stories to attract the attention of the viewer. His current work stems from a desire to create a personal mythology and to express spiritual, utopian and metaphysical ideas.

Josilda da Conceição

Open: Wednesday to Saturday from
14 -18 hrs, and by appointment.

Pieter Aertszstraat 70
1073 SR Amsterdam
The Netherlands



Josilda da Conceição does not accept submissions from artists.
Materials will not be returned.

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